Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Day! I Two!

Happy Birthday Kierra!! Two days late! Guess what we did for her birthday? Nothing! She did have a party at my parents house on Sunday so we aren't the worst parents. Besides, she doesn't know the difference. Here is one highlight.

She did so good trying to blow out her candles. I ran out of memory on the camera and at that point she trying to blow so hard and fast that she looked like she was going to hyperventilate.

Mama and Papa Gee came over on her birthday and brought her a birthday balloon. She was so excited and ever since she has been walking around saying "happy day". Thank you for coming over. I know it meant something to her as it did to me.


Katrina said...

Two! She's getting big so fast! Can you believe it?

Happy Birthday Kierra!

Jenny said...

Aw, she is so cute. I'm glad she had a great birthday!