Sunday, March 22, 2009

We are still alive

I know it has been a while since I posted anything on here so to those of you who are faithful readers, I am sorry. We recently lost the privilege of using Richard's work computer for anything therefore we have gone without the internet. So, Friday we went out and bought a laptop. I am currently mooching off of someone's unsecured connection in the neighborhood.

So, the countdown is on for the baby. She is now at the point of practically falling out on her own. Not many people thought it was possible that you could walk around dilated to a 4 but apparently you can. There have been a few false alarms which has gotten me depressed and more anxious. It is now hard not to think about when it will happen.

Some good news though that I didn't think would happen is that Kierra is in a toddler bed now. We decided to stimulate the economy and support commercialism and bought her a princess bed. The moment we got it, she loved it. There hasn't been a transition at all which was the part that stressed me out a great deal. However, now that we have painted the baby's room with flowers, she is obsessed with it. We might have to change rooms since the baby obviously won't care.

It has been so nice to have Richard at church with me these last few months. But it looks like we only have one sunday left. His schedule will go back to what is was before in April. I think it has helped our family grow spiritually but we will have to continue to work harder at it.

Other than that nothing exciting has been going on. We have no pictures to post yet again and hopefully the next post will be of baby Britta's arrival.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Oh my goodness! Here comes a baby!

I hadn't heard the name you picked. Great name, I don't think I've heard it before. I like names that aren't very common. Do your kids have middle names?

The baby room sounds great. You should post pictures of that!

Tell Richard Oliver has been bragging about him. I overheard him at preschool saying to a kid, "Do you know my uncle Richard? He's a policeman."