Friday, February 26, 2010

I want to go to disneyland!

Lately, Kierra's preferred topic of conversation is going on an airplane to find the castle at disneyland. In fact, it is getting a little out of hand. The other day I told her we were going to the store. She threw a fit because we weren't going on an airplane. She has been quite strongwilled lately. She cried one day because she wanted to go on a space ship like the little einsteins. What am I supposed to tell her? No, you cannot go on a space ship. So we told her that if she saved her money she could go on a space ship with Richard Branson. She still doesn't get it.

We have been sick here. In fact, we haven't been to church in a month. The kids are finally well after ear infections and pneumonia. I am still feeling a bit sick but nothing compared to how it was. Of course Richard didn't get sick. I don't know how his immune system is so good. I would think that since his sleep schedule is so screwy that it would affect his health.

I have been trying to find things that I am interested in. What I have not so recently discovered is that I really love gardening and plants. I love to look at them and plant them and take care of them. We had an enrichment activity the other day on gardening. The person who taught it has a degree in horticulture. It was really interesting to learn what she knows about composting and pruning. Her husband is an engineer and made a homemade composter out of one of those blue water barrels. It had to be the coolest thing I have seen in a long time. He made a contraption for it to sit on and rotate it too. It made me want to start composting, which I think would be a good thing for some great gardening. I plan to build planter boxes for vegetables in the backyard when we finish the yard this summer. I think it is the one thing I am excited about.

Oh yeah, and we all want to go to disneyland.

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