Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hmm, what do I really like?

Since I have gotten some comments from family members of how grumpy I am, I have been thinking about what I actually like about life. It's been 7 months since I quit my job and so I think I might have lost a bit of myself since then. Here is my attempt to redeem myself.

I like...
Kitties, lots of kitties. Especially petting and cuddling them.
Uninterrupted sleep.
When Kierra gives me hugs and kisses.
When Richard gives me hugs and kisses.
Being snugglie under lots of blankets in the cold.
Being loud with my friends (that doesn't happen that often).
A clean house for 5 minutes.
A good, cheap salad. Lets just say good, cheap food in general.
Getting a good deal.
Accomplishing something.
Getting rewarded for my hard work on something.
Hearing Kierra sing the ABC song perfectly and yelling the last 4 letters. W X Y Z!!!
Successfuly cooking a meal that results in tons of leftovers that Richard will eat.
Yummy smelling candles.
Going to school.
A well rested child.
Going somewhere I have never been and enjoying it.
Sitting by a fire and burning random things. HE HE
Having someone that loves me no matter what, and is sexy too!
I think I will leave it at that for now because it could go on for a very long time.


Katrina said...

Great list! One of these days I'll have to get myself a kittie too!

Jenny said...

I love this post. It made me smile! My husband likes playing with fire, too!