Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's a...Baby

Girl to be exact. We had an ultrasound today and it was confirmed. The baby is good although she measures a week behind. Kierra was the same way so it doesn't worry me. For those that didn't know I was pregnant, sorry. This entry probably explains a lot about my mood and other feelings in previous entries. It is weird being pregnant this time since it is a bit different than it was with Kierra. I am not sick any more which is a nice plus. Dealing with another kid at the same time has made me realize that the uterus is definitely made of steel. Yes, when I was preggo with Kierra, there was a huge amount of heavy labor but I never had someone stepping on it. I am starting to look more like I am fat than pregnant though. I have an upper bulge rather than a lower one. I am hoping that everything goes as well as it did with Kierra and that I don't get huge.

I forgot to add that the due date is April 14th. I also hope that none of you are thinking "that's the last thing that they need is another kid." We are excited and especially to have another girl. Richard doesn't know what to do with a boy. I guess he likes being extremely outnumbered.


Katrina said...

Congrats!!! You're right, pregnancy for child number two is rather different than the first. Glad to hear you're not feeling sick anymore. So when are you due?

Cydnee Gee said...

Yippee!!! Another sweet girl. Congrats, that's great.

Jenny said...

Yay! Congrats! That is so exciting! Let's see some ultrasound pics!