After 5 days in the hospital, we were finally able to come on on Tuesday morning. First, Britta's oxygen would drop while she would eat. Because of that, they kept her in the nursery permanently. I would have to go in and feed her all day and night. They had her hooked up to monitors and every time she ate, they would document what her oxygen was. So it only took a day for that to improve while I was already being discharged. I did the hotel stay thing so that I could feed her and besides, I didn't want to leave her there. So then they thought that she wasn't breastfeeding well enough, which I didn't think was a requirement for you to leave the hospital but whatever. Sunday the doctor ordered an unnecessary chest x-ray and another billi test, both of which came back normal. Yet again, she was still not well enough to come home. Monday they decided that she couldn't maintain her weight, so they wanted to keep her another night but this time I could take her to my room. They weighed her that night and she weighed 4lbs 13oz. They said that if her weight didn't drop from the night that we could probably go home. Tuesday morning came around and her vitals were checked except for her weight and they sent us home. So, I still don't know what the point of all of it was but we are home now. I took her to the doctor this morning and she weighed 5lbs. From the beginning of all of this, I have felt that there wasn't really anything to worry about. I think that they treated her this way because of her size. I am grateful that they took such good care of her though and that I was allowed to stay. Here are some pics of her. I have some video but am having trouble.
Bye Bye hospital
Ready to go home
Yipee!! I am so glad she is home now!
Congratulations to you! She is absolutely gorgeous!! So glad to hear that you are home now.
Beautiful Britta!! Welcome Home!!
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