Tuesday, July 8, 2008

5th of July

I had this great day planned for Kierra but of course we had to go to plan F. We didn't have 4th of July festivities as Richard works that night so it would have to be the 5th. Richard's family were going to come over for a party that evening, but Kierra woke up with a fever. Despite med's, it continually rose throughout the day. We decided to go on with the party anyway because we just thought she was getting another tooth. I had bought a mini pool and fireworks for her to enjoy but boy did she not. Her fever spiked to 104.4 that night and didn't subside until Sunday afternoon. She had her 18 month appt. scheduled for Monday anyway so I waited to talk to the doctor. Monday morning she developed a rash on her legs and still was a bit cranky and not eating. So we found out at the doctor that she has roseola. The doctor was surprised that her symptoms only lasted a few days. It is always nice when you go to the doctor and they know what the problem is instead of sending you home with more questions.

Here is a picture of Kierra and her swimming pool. We were hoping that it would cool her off but she just screamed when we put her in there. Let's hope for a better 24th!

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