Sunday, May 18, 2008

Richard was on the news, again!

I looked everywhere to find a link to the story that was on channel 2 news. There was a stabbing in Murray last night. They found the guy but he kept threatening them and going in and out of his house bringing out different lethal weapons. He threatened to shoot them so they ended up shooting him with a huge rubber bullet from a grenade launcher. Richard was shown for like 3 seconds walking around with his new rifle. His good buddy Ben was shown shoving the guy into his car. I am a little upset that there is nothing anywhere on any of the news websites about this especially when they showed the story twice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trent spotted him in the news as well. We were like" Uncle Richard was on the news" He's famous at our house with the most television time ever of anyone in the family. I'm sure this isn't the last time and there will be much more of Uncle Richard on the news as long as he's working as a cop.