Saturday, May 31, 2008

What's been going on?

Well, not much. Our week started out with the lovely suprise that water was coming into our basement again (really wasn't much of a suprise seeing as our house sucks). Figured out the problem and got mom to babysit on Thursday so that we could fix it. It freakin rained again on Thursday, so there went that plan. We were able to fix it along with putting up the lattice on the deck while Kierra napped (process of 2 days). Our neighbor's sold their house so that gives us one month to steal their rocks for our landscaping (they told us to, so it isn't stealing).
Hmmm, what else. Richard is finally on the 7th Harry Potter book. I am so excited for him. I cried at times in that book. I am constantly made fun of for my obsession for Harry Potter, but there is someone who is worse than me. Amber Ford. Yeah, that's right, Cassie can vouch for this. When we went to get our hair done, we had the capes on and were walking by a mirror and she asked me if I felt like we were at Hogwarts wearing our robes. It never crossed my mind. Sure the name of our blog has a reference to the books, but a hair cutting cape as robes, nah. I do want a wand though and I wanted to dress up Kierra as Hermione for halloween.
Anyhoo, there really isn't anything exciting going on in our lives. I have no new pictures to post. I promise the next post will have something eventful.


Amber said...

I am not a freak! Well, maybe just a little when it comes to Harry Potter. I just set up my own page today, and am still learning. I will be calling you with questions on how to do things, so be prepared.

Jann said...

Amber told me I should check out your page since you were one of the "cool" people we went to school with. She's been talking about ya since she realized you were neighbors. Hopefully you remember me when you see the pictures and don't think I'm a total freak. And I think we should ignore Amber when she says she's not a freak!

MCAM said...

I am so happy we were able to initiate you into the world of Harry Potter. It is only fitting that our group of stay-at-home moms should all be nerds together.